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Additional Educational Interactive Website links


Cornerstones Home Learning Challenges


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BBC Bitesize is a fantastic website that covers all areas of all subjects, so have a go at online science experiments, fun quizzes and much more! 



Literacy Links: 

Storyline Online - Story books read by authors and celebrities

International children's digital library -A library for books from around the world

Literacy shed (for KS2)

Pobble 365 (for KS2) is a free website that has a number of books on it for parents and children to enjoy together. They also have a twitter account @lovemybooksUK

Children's Author Oliver Jeffers is offering a stay at home story time where he will read one of his books every weekday. You can watch live on Instagram every weekday at 6pm 

Oxford Owl Free e-book library and literacy activities

Free online books to read to your heart’s content.



Maths Links:

If children like maths and science there is a link on the Royal Institution website to watch their 2019 Christmas Lectures. 

Here is an article with links to virtual tours of some of the most famous museums from around the world! 

Corbett maths primary is an online resource that has worksheets, videos and test questions for every area of the National Curriculum. They also have a secondary site if you want to push yourself! 

mathsisfun is a maths gaming website with lots of games that cover the curriculum. Have a go and some of them and challenge your friends to beat your high scores!

Daily online maths lessons.

Times Tables Rock Stars is an app that will test your times tables as well as your speed. Make sure to keep practising to see if you can beat your friends.



Duolingo- Free to download, full of fun games and earn prizes for completed tasks.


Physical development:

BBC Supermovers have a selection of KS2 videos that will get children active whilst revising a whole rage of topics: 

The Body Coach has some fun ways to keep yourself active. Have a go at his workouts in the comfort of your own home.

Healthy Schools: Keeping Healthy Information pack Ideas for keeping your family healthy and well during the coronavirus outbreak.

EYFS Home learning websites:

for Nursery and Reception Children



Phonics play has a variety of free games for children to improve their phonics knowledge. 


Here you can find lots of lovely interactive books to read online or watch with signing.


Cbebies stories has a range of stories and traditional tales for the children to learn and enjoy. 

Cbeebies stories



Daily Letters and Sounds lessons on YouTube for home and school



Topmarks has a range of maths games for children to complete from shapes and patterns to number recognition and counting. 



​Understanding of the world:

Here are some activities that are open-ended enough to follow child interests, while still provoking fascination, curiosity and wonder about the big wide world.

Here is a range of interactive activity ideas based around the children’s understanding of the world.



Here are some fun songs for you and your child to sing along with.



Physical development:

Below are some links to support your child with their physical development to keep them active and healthy.

5 a day



Interactive games: